you wanna hear something funny??
DO YA???
Pooney (formerly known as rooney, yea the band) is coming to my campus to preform a free show.
1. hahahahhahahhahahahha
2. I love how they wait until I no longer care about them and am about to graduate and leave forever
3. wow, they totally are not good anymore
4. I have every right to make that claim from being a former creeptastic fan.
5. and yess their name is now pooney cause they are POO.
6. oh yea, and matt left the band?? and obv tay has a new band
7. no musical evolution, NONE.
craptastic voyage
"thaaats craptassstic!"
what should I do??
well OBVIOUSLY ...
I am going to get drunk, perhaps incredibly drunk, probably not since I do have bloody class the next day...
annnnnd yell slanderous things at them. mwahahaha
and yes, I'm bringing my gang members to help along with the drinking and slander
EDIT: oh yea, going drunk and being the person I hated so much at shows (the drunken crazy) yea that was me. it was GREATTTTTTTTTTTTT
it's not like anyone paid to see the show anyway so I technically could have stumbled upon the show drunk anyway. totally awesome
lovely photos we thought were a fantastic idea by erin (and sometimes me):
and they get more ridiculous as you go down.

I obviously can not have a good, non-ridiculous face in pictures, ever