Yes, Gina and I went to LA again to see EBE, because we love them, and mostly we love their music. (haha, we keep telling ourselves that)
They were headlining, which is a first for us to see them play a headlining show and they sent out a bulletin saying that they would be playing their whole album and a few extra songs. That was too good of an offer to pass up.
1 December 2007
We left around 830 because we had to get some money and gas. That drive is soooo boring and we always make it a tradition to stop at this gas station in Quartzite, exit 19 to be precise. Since Arizona is dumb and doesn't do the whole fall back/spring forward, we gained an hour when we drove there, so we arrived in Los Angeles about 1 pm, still a total of 5.5 hour drive. I changed in the car when we parked because I was nasty looking and we got some food. Gina and I were hungry and her friend Anthony was still sleeping so we got some Toi Thai by ourselves and had foodgasms. We then drove over to Anthony/Tony/Travis' house near Amoeba. They're cool guys and we mostly just watched Travis play Zelda while Gina caught up with her friends and the local drama going on. We then walked around while Tony did his errands and him and Anthony got some food. We left around the same time Tony left for work and headed to Gina's aunt's house to unload our stuff and to relax. We sat around watching the disney channel because Gina's niece was over because it was her birthday. We got drooped off at this AMAZING bookstore, Book Soup, about a block away from The Roxy. I love bookstores, especially this one because it had NME with the boosh on the front! They even had the british tabloid magazine, Heat, which I know from watching The IT Crowd (go watch now). I used to get NME at Tower but since they decided to be lame and close down everywhere, I have to source to get NME, except online. When I was wandering around looking for a book, I remembered Paton really liked that Taoism book and luckily they had it, The Tao Of Pooh. It is excellent, I recommend it to everyone. Gina and I then headed over to Coffee Bean across the street and drank delicious holiday inspired coffee. We weren't exactly sure when the doors opened so we headed over around 7:45, hoping the doors would have been opened by then. Nope. We had to wait in line and we were behind some girls who took part in their costume contest they had going on. I think they were just a tad jealous that we actually know the guys. We still had to buy tickets and that line wasn't moving and I was saving our spots in the regular line, but that was moving, so I joined Gina. On the website, it said tickets were $12.50, cool. EXCEPT when we go there, oh they happened to be $14. That was shitty. THEN we had to pay bloody three extra dollars because we were under 21, which was basically charging us for a drink that we may or may not use. What if we only came with enough for tickets, what would that little rat man (who looked like the red head from that camp anawana show on nickelodeon) do then? I was angry, molto angry.
Girl in a Coma and The Hanks were good, I really liked the lead singer of Girl in a Coma's voice and they were named after a Smiths song, so how can they be bad? The Hanks and some pretty awesome christmas sweaters, which they commented on it probably not being a good idea, since it was quite warm on stage. We saw Mikey as The Hanks started their set and we said Hello and I recieved a slightly awkward hug from Mikey, since we don't normally hug (thats more of a Gina/MIkey thing). We immediately felt better, since we were standing around, feeling unsure about our decision to come, but once we saw Mikey, those feelings of doubt went away. And even after the show, I was glad we came. Big City Rock came out and Andy, the guitarist who Paton fancies, was looking goooooood. His hair was longer, which is a good look for him. They played some new songs, some old songs, and covered Black Betty again. That feeling reminded me of Rooney: predictable and it was not enjoyable when some of the set list is the same, EXCEPT in EBE's case. They can play the same songs, in the same order every time I see them (which they don't), and they will NEVER get old. It's part of the appeal Gina and I love so much. Anyway, Everybody Else came on. They started out with an oldie, "Wake Up," I didn't know it, I only know about 5 old songs that aren't on their album. They played their whole album, which was pretty magnificent. Gina and I stood in the back because, well, I, don't like being in the crowd for their shows since we first saw them as merch workers, in the back. Being in the back is good because you can see everything going on; it reminds me of playing defense at soccer games. Gina and I noticed Austin looking and recognizing us, since he was the only one who didn't know we were there. I told Gina that I saw Mikey looking at us, but she didn't believe us. Carrick knew we were there, but in typical fashion he ignored us. That's fine because we ignore him just as equally. They also played "Always" and they covered a Hollies song, "Just One Look." It was pretty fantastic and absolutely adorable. They were huddled around one mic and Austin played acoustic guitar and sang back up with Mikey. Here's the video I took:
For "Button For Punishment," Austin and Mikey left the stage and it was just Carrick singing and playing acoustic. I'm pretty sure this is when the fan girls screamed at him to take off his shirt. Gina and I were disgusted and praying that he didn't. Thankfully he never did. I have to say, for "Alone In The World," there is this awesome bass part that I've come to love once I carefully listened for it during the song. I can't explain it, because I'm horrible at doing that, but I will say that it's ka-blamo. The show finally ended and we just wanted to say hey to Mikey and Austin again, but we decided to say hey to Carrick. He was being bombarded by people coming at him from every angle, so we paitently waited and he said he was sorry about not being able to get us on the guest list, which was nice he mentioned that. We then, stupidly, went outside and waited. Wrong idea. We snuck back in and lied about losing a wallet, because as it turned out, the boys were still inside chatting to some people. We walked over to Austin and said hey and talked about the typical things, like new years resolutions and everything. We got forced to move outside and Gina and I were standing there and since we were massively exhausted, decided to say bye to the boys, well just Austin and Mikey. We got us a cab and the cabby was mean and wouldn't let us use our credit card to pay, since we both had absolutely no cash from the asshole Roxy ripping us from our earnings. We slept and left the next morning/afternoon and were on our EBE high as usual.
peace and chicken grease.
05 December 2007
26 November 2007
08 November 2007
21 October 2007
The Donnas and Juliette and The Licks/Paolo
let me make this clear: Juliette and The Licks are amazing
she rocks, and they need to always tour with The Donnas.
The show was held at the brickhouse in Phoenix, nice small venue. I love those. Heath and I got there about 45 min before doors were supposed to open, and there weren't that many people in front of us. A lot of older people, a mixture of men and women which is a nice change to the tweenie girls at half of the shows I attend. Doors opened at 7 and it had been said that the show was starting at 8, but since juliette had joined the bill, the first act went on at 7:30. They were blackmarket. Not impressed, they sounded like every other really bad band out there, although their guitarist/keyboardist was quite good-looking, but that wont make me like them. Donita Sparks was next. She's insane. I did see allison rocking out on the side of the stage though. Their bassist was good and his bass was even better. Nice, loud sound. Heath noticed that the guitar/tamborine player, Sid (that looks as though he should be from the jets from west side story) was yelling at him and there was tension in the band. oooh.
THEN juliette and the licks came on. superr amazing. she started out with hot kiss and it only got better. I only knew about 3 songs, but now I will know them all.
Todd, the guitarist, was awesome. He totally handed me his pick and I totally am wearing it around my neck like a groupie. hah. The bassist kept looking my way, but he totally had a wedding ring on, so I don't know what was up with that. The last song, they all switched instruments, It was one of the best live shows I've been to.
The Donnas were up last.
They intro-ed with bitchin' which is good song to intro to, I know some of their older songs (before 2005) and I only knew about 1-2 of the older ones they played. Their set was very short but Allison was still awesome. Her and tay have the same stage presence. Heath and I hung around a bit afterward and bought some Licks CDs and talked to the merch guy and we were too much of nerds to go talk to Todd.
we were right in front. The openers were good, very complementary to Paolo's music.
Paolo had the Rocky theme playing when he came out, very cool. He's still so shy and nervous when he plays. He never opens his eyes or looks past the mic, or even at the crowd. He played some covers and some new songs. He didnt come out afterwards, too bad. Yes, this is a lame, short entry but I don't care.
she rocks, and they need to always tour with The Donnas.
The show was held at the brickhouse in Phoenix, nice small venue. I love those. Heath and I got there about 45 min before doors were supposed to open, and there weren't that many people in front of us. A lot of older people, a mixture of men and women which is a nice change to the tweenie girls at half of the shows I attend. Doors opened at 7 and it had been said that the show was starting at 8, but since juliette had joined the bill, the first act went on at 7:30. They were blackmarket. Not impressed, they sounded like every other really bad band out there, although their guitarist/keyboardist was quite good-looking, but that wont make me like them. Donita Sparks was next. She's insane. I did see allison rocking out on the side of the stage though. Their bassist was good and his bass was even better. Nice, loud sound. Heath noticed that the guitar/tamborine player, Sid (that looks as though he should be from the jets from west side story) was yelling at him and there was tension in the band. oooh.
THEN juliette and the licks came on. superr amazing. she started out with hot kiss and it only got better. I only knew about 3 songs, but now I will know them all.
Todd, the guitarist, was awesome. He totally handed me his pick and I totally am wearing it around my neck like a groupie. hah. The bassist kept looking my way, but he totally had a wedding ring on, so I don't know what was up with that. The last song, they all switched instruments, It was one of the best live shows I've been to.
The Donnas were up last.
They intro-ed with bitchin' which is good song to intro to, I know some of their older songs (before 2005) and I only knew about 1-2 of the older ones they played. Their set was very short but Allison was still awesome. Her and tay have the same stage presence. Heath and I hung around a bit afterward and bought some Licks CDs and talked to the merch guy and we were too much of nerds to go talk to Todd.
we were right in front. The openers were good, very complementary to Paolo's music.
Paolo had the Rocky theme playing when he came out, very cool. He's still so shy and nervous when he plays. He never opens his eyes or looks past the mic, or even at the crowd. He played some covers and some new songs. He didnt come out afterwards, too bad. Yes, this is a lame, short entry but I don't care.
11 September 2007
It all started by meeting Gina for some thai food at her work around 4:45. We chatted about how super crazy excited we were and reminisced on the good ol' times of rooney and ebe and dreamed of phantom planet and how we could mingle our way in without paying for seeing maroon 5, since PP is wayyy better than them. We stuffed ourselves full of pad thai then headed to get in my car and get some cash before the show because you never know if you have to bribe the security men to get into the rockstars' dressing rooms. hahaa riight. We ended parking and getting in line around 5:40ish and the doors were scheduled to open at 6:30. There was a fair amount of people in front of us, around 15. They finally let us in after the strictest security check for a show I've ever witnessed. They had people take their cameras back to their cars and we had to take our shoes off, but of course I had hot pink socks on so i stood out so nicely. I had to put my camera back in my car so I told Gina to just go on in and save my spot for me. I guess Gina forgot which side we were supposed to be standing at, because when I finally got in, she was on the other side and we didn't connect back up until about ten minutes later and I reminded her that it was taylor's side but that must not have registered so I used mikey as an example and she knew she would remember that. Luckily, we were in the second row and there were short girls in front of us, so we still had a nice view of the stage.
Finally, the show started around 8:00, Gina and I listened to some KOL beforehand then switched to ebe to make us dance and prance around haha. Waiting is the worst, expecially right before the main act, but it was alright before the show started. Manchester Orchestra went on first, their keyboardist got into a trance and was going crazy but then Gina and i saw him after the show and he was just a chill indie rocker. I liked their music, but it wasn't quite my style. I got into it, but not as much as BRMC. Man, when they hit the stage, it was a total different vibe. Their lighting was darker, they wore all black, and they had hardcore big guitars and bass and the drums were perfectly simple. The guitarist, Peter, came out with a cig in his mouth and stuck it in his guitar. Thats when you know its going to be good. I kept looking at their drummer, Nick, who has a very Johnny Depp vibe to him.

I could tell he's most definitely shy because he had that look like he knew someone was looking at him, but he kept looking to the side or down at his drums, but I caught him looking back at me but he would just quickly glance away. I had a few moments where all I was focusing on was the drums and was air drumming and was in a total trance. Their last song, had the longest guitar solo in the world. It lasted about three minutes. It was intense. Their music is awesome. Gina kept seeing a roadie for KOL that she thought was Caleb. haha but he definitely looked like a Followill and I saw a super hot roadie for MO. Oh man, he had that grunge rocker look, with dark brown long hair and amazingly toned arms. hahaa. Some creepo drunk guy, who smelled like cheap, bad tasting beer was trying to ease his way in front of us. Gina finally got fed up and called security on his ass. I felt better and so ready to see kol.
Kings of Leon came on. It was INTENSE.
They started with, I think, Charmer. At the beginning I kept turning around to Gina and saying "they're SOOOOOO goooood" Jared was magical, he IS magical. and wicked talented, I never really took notice, but the new cd definitely has more kick ass bass going on compared to the two previous. I still love youth, young, and manhood. I was so young listening to it, it had such an impact on me. The crowd was so into it, I love that. "On Call" was my favorite before heading into the show, and once I saw Jared stand in front of the tiny synth they had on stage, I flipped out. That bass line following the synth is like no other. They apparantly had some sound problems, which I didn't notice. Caleb announced it and said "we're having some sound problems, so we're going to get drunk instead" You could tell that Caleb was getting annoyed and during the encore, I was watching Jared and he mouthed or said to his techie "this sounds so fucked up" I'll admit I was being such a fangirl during parts of the show, when Jared would look at me (which he did, MULTIPLE times during the entire show and I think I was the only one he kept going back to, maybe I look weird in the crowd or something) my mind would go blank and I would forget what I was singing. Not to mention he kept doing this thing with his lips

and his hands are magical long musician amazing hands and creamy skinnnn, enough! gah, those damn indie rockers. and hes only 20! c'mon what am I supposed to do with that!? anyyywayyy Caleb, man, his voice got hoarse over the course of the show, I don't know how he sings like that every single night. But he still rocks it. At the end, Gina and I managed to get one of Nathan's drumsticks which I am treasuring foreverr and I'm sure she is as well. We tried to get backstage, but it was too big of a show to try and weasel your way to see the band. The security was pretty tight. We waited outside the barracaded buses for about five minutes until we heard a security guy day that they won't be posing for pictures. Im assuming they were tired but still. Oh well, that leaves room for next time.
These are the songs they played (the order is definitely off except for the encore)
Taper Jean Girl
King of the Rodeo
My Party
Black Thumbnail
Molly's Chambers
The Bucket
On Call
Spiral Staircase
True Love Way
Knocked Up
Four Kicks
Slow Night, So Long
words can't explain how good of a show that was. Well, im sure there are some words out there, but I sure as hell can't articulate it. Maybe Gina can help me out. She's good, no, GREAT, with words.
NOTE: those pictures are not mine, and were not from the show.
Finally, the show started around 8:00, Gina and I listened to some KOL beforehand then switched to ebe to make us dance and prance around haha. Waiting is the worst, expecially right before the main act, but it was alright before the show started. Manchester Orchestra went on first, their keyboardist got into a trance and was going crazy but then Gina and i saw him after the show and he was just a chill indie rocker. I liked their music, but it wasn't quite my style. I got into it, but not as much as BRMC. Man, when they hit the stage, it was a total different vibe. Their lighting was darker, they wore all black, and they had hardcore big guitars and bass and the drums were perfectly simple. The guitarist, Peter, came out with a cig in his mouth and stuck it in his guitar. Thats when you know its going to be good. I kept looking at their drummer, Nick, who has a very Johnny Depp vibe to him.
I could tell he's most definitely shy because he had that look like he knew someone was looking at him, but he kept looking to the side or down at his drums, but I caught him looking back at me but he would just quickly glance away. I had a few moments where all I was focusing on was the drums and was air drumming and was in a total trance. Their last song, had the longest guitar solo in the world. It lasted about three minutes. It was intense. Their music is awesome. Gina kept seeing a roadie for KOL that she thought was Caleb. haha but he definitely looked like a Followill and I saw a super hot roadie for MO. Oh man, he had that grunge rocker look, with dark brown long hair and amazingly toned arms. hahaa. Some creepo drunk guy, who smelled like cheap, bad tasting beer was trying to ease his way in front of us. Gina finally got fed up and called security on his ass. I felt better and so ready to see kol.
Kings of Leon came on. It was INTENSE.
They started with, I think, Charmer. At the beginning I kept turning around to Gina and saying "they're SOOOOOO goooood" Jared was magical, he IS magical. and wicked talented, I never really took notice, but the new cd definitely has more kick ass bass going on compared to the two previous. I still love youth, young, and manhood. I was so young listening to it, it had such an impact on me. The crowd was so into it, I love that. "On Call" was my favorite before heading into the show, and once I saw Jared stand in front of the tiny synth they had on stage, I flipped out. That bass line following the synth is like no other. They apparantly had some sound problems, which I didn't notice. Caleb announced it and said "we're having some sound problems, so we're going to get drunk instead" You could tell that Caleb was getting annoyed and during the encore, I was watching Jared and he mouthed or said to his techie "this sounds so fucked up" I'll admit I was being such a fangirl during parts of the show, when Jared would look at me (which he did, MULTIPLE times during the entire show and I think I was the only one he kept going back to, maybe I look weird in the crowd or something) my mind would go blank and I would forget what I was singing. Not to mention he kept doing this thing with his lips
and his hands are magical long musician amazing hands and creamy skinnnn, enough! gah, those damn indie rockers. and hes only 20! c'mon what am I supposed to do with that!? anyyywayyy Caleb, man, his voice got hoarse over the course of the show, I don't know how he sings like that every single night. But he still rocks it. At the end, Gina and I managed to get one of Nathan's drumsticks which I am treasuring foreverr and I'm sure she is as well. We tried to get backstage, but it was too big of a show to try and weasel your way to see the band. The security was pretty tight. We waited outside the barracaded buses for about five minutes until we heard a security guy day that they won't be posing for pictures. Im assuming they were tired but still. Oh well, that leaves room for next time.
These are the songs they played (the order is definitely off except for the encore)
Taper Jean Girl
King of the Rodeo
My Party
Black Thumbnail
Molly's Chambers
The Bucket
On Call
Spiral Staircase
True Love Way
Knocked Up
Four Kicks
Slow Night, So Long
words can't explain how good of a show that was. Well, im sure there are some words out there, but I sure as hell can't articulate it. Maybe Gina can help me out. She's good, no, GREAT, with words.
NOTE: those pictures are not mine, and were not from the show.
24 August 2007
The Beatles
I caught part of, or at least i thought was, the U.S. vs. John Lennon on Vh1 and since then, I have been more obsessed with him and the beatles than my normal obsession with them. Lennon and Yoko Ono were so perfect together, and they had good ideals toward the world, but of course everyone knows this. I also began to listen to Sean Lennon, and he has to be one of the only people to hold the memory of John in him. He sounds exactly like him, its crazy. Anyway, here are some beatles lyrics that pertain to my state of life at this point.
"I've imagined I'm in love with you
many, many, many times before
It's not like me to pretend
But I'll get you
I'll get you in the end
Yes, I will, I'll get you in the end"
"Woke up, got out of bed
dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
and looking up, I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
Somebody spoke and I went into a dream"
"Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice
in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face
that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Father McKenzie, writing the words
of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working, darning his socks
in the night when there's nobody there
What does he care
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby, died in the church
and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie, wiping the dirt
from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?"
"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it look as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday "
"Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
oh, I believe in yesterday"
"Go home
Get back, get back
Back to where you once belonged"
"When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right it front of me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer
Let it be
For though they may be parted there is
still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
yeah, there will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
And when the night is cloudy
There is still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow
Let it be
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be"
"I've imagined I'm in love with you
many, many, many times before
It's not like me to pretend
But I'll get you
I'll get you in the end
Yes, I will, I'll get you in the end"
"Woke up, got out of bed
dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
and looking up, I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
Somebody spoke and I went into a dream"
"Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice
in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face
that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Father McKenzie, writing the words
of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working, darning his socks
in the night when there's nobody there
What does he care
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby, died in the church
and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie, wiping the dirt
from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?"
"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it look as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday "
"Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
oh, I believe in yesterday"
"Go home
Get back, get back
Back to where you once belonged"
"When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right it front of me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer
Let it be
For though they may be parted there is
still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
yeah, there will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
And when the night is cloudy
There is still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow
Let it be
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be"
03 August 2007
Adventures with Paton
If you read this, I applaud you
Sunday July 29
Planes all went according to plan except when I arrived. My bag didn’t show up. I’m thought oh great just like Jacksonville; I knew I should have packed that travel toothbrush with me in my purse. I filled out a lost baggage claim they tell me that my bag will get there that evening (its about 3 pm) I was not happy especially since I had the Everybody Else/Rooney concert that night and I wanted to wear something different since I had just seen Rooney on July 19 and I was wearing the same shirt. Ms. Ashbrook picked us up and as we are heading away, the lady at the us airways desk calls and says that the bag actually was on the baggage claim thing and I felt dumb. So brain dead. I checked, Paton saw me check. It wasn’t there! I still believe that lady lied to me that ran and got my bag. Anyway back to driving away from the airport. Paton stopped to get cash so we could pay for things. I had some cash but definitely not enough to live off of for four days. Ms. Ashbrook dropped us off at the house Paton was house-sitting at, so we could pretty ourselves for some hot and talented musicians. Paton hadn’t heard of Everybody Else and we both hadn’t heard of Big City Rock, but who cares we were still excited. Well, I think I was a bit more excited to see Everybody Else again and maybe specifically Austin, haha. We take the nice metrolink and head to the second level. We see the nice Los Angeles ‘river’ as we go and we end up in the desolate station of Pomona, which was about twenty to thirty minutes away by train. We chatted about, what else, but our amazing lives. Lucky Paton only has a two-year school and I hopefully will be able to see her showcase and her graduation next spring in New York. We end up calling a cab to the venue (the glasshouse, which I have heard a lot about and known that Rooney has played there many times.) The show is at seven and the (second) cab shows up around 6:50. Awesome. Obviously we weren’t going to be in the front row and rocking out to them, which is totally cool since I’ve seen Taylor up close and live before and its hard to get a good angle on viewing Everybody Else because there’s only three of them and they sprawl out across the stage. We got to the glasshouse, and the line is long filled with the typical looking Rooney fans, assuming most of them were there to see Rooney. I got my tickets through will call, so I did that a little after we were waiting in line long after seven o’clock had passed. We got our purses checked and they took my nice pens!! I’m so angry. They could say somewhere online and whatnot that pens aren’t aloud. Dumbasses. The glasshouse is a nice sized venue, slightly bigger than the normal small places Everybody Else and Rooney play when they’re on tour. We moseyed on over to stage right so I could say hey to Austin if possible and have a slightly good view of them. I had thought, before the show, that I was going to switch sides to be in front of Taylor to get a good shot of his solos and his amazing play, but that didn’t happen. Paton and I got some liquids and she got some pizza while we waited for Big City Rock to play. They came out and played and were FANTASTIC. They were more rock than the other two bands, which I knew from listening to a bit of their music on their myspace. They had a vibe that channeled The Killers, the perfect mix of rock and synth to make the music super amazing. They played a cover of Ram Jam’s ‘Black Betty,’ which I absolutely loved and I knew the song from the Blow movie soundtrack. I was happy and the show only got better, I thought. Everybody Else was setting up their stuff, like a good band does and all the creepy Carrick groupies behind me to the left kept screaming his name and he kept smiling toward them but I bet he was thinking ‘oh god.’ Poor Mikey and Austin never get loved on. Mikey is so amazingly talented and smart. He plays the drums and keyboards at the same time. I’ve also read his blog and, boy, he knows his stuff. Austin is the newest member since they couldn’t find a person that would fit with the band until they met Austin. He seems to do most of the work after the show, example: he always gets the van and takes the merch and equipment out of the venue to the band. All three load up, because it’s like a puzzle trying to fit all the stuff into the back of their van. Anywayyyy. They played ‘born to do’ first, which I was so not expecting, but it was still awesome because its one of my favorite songs they do and I was still able to record it and get mikey playing the keys and drums simultaneously. Sweet. Carrick’s voice wasn’t doing too well and you can tell on the videos I took. Ouch. Mikey was comical on stage saying they would keep playing more sets if the crowd keeps singing even though Carrick was doing so horribly. I remember on one song Carrick looked to Austin obviously hinting he was struggling and he helped out. On ‘make-up’ they asked some non-talented fans who really didn’t know the words to the song to help them sing. One girl looked very giddy and about twelve years old. That’s what you get when you have some good-looking pop musicians in California playing, but they don’t realize that all of the guys are in their mid/late 20s to early 30s, which is somewhat normal to the person who feels old being in the crowd at one of their concerts. There are the fans that are around the thirteen to sixteen age group then jump to the twenty to twenty-four age group. Back to the show. Paton and I decided not to move over to Taylor’s side like I had planned because I assumed I had a good enough view of him from where I had been moved too, which was in between Matt and Robert, and I knew I was only going to get closer to the Robert because of the groupies trying to get a good view of him. They started with ‘calling the world’ and had the cell phones ringing like the beginning of the song to signal that they were coming on stage and starting. The screams were deafening. I am definitely staying in front of Taylor from now on. We got about right in front of Robert at the end, around the fourth row of people, which wasn’t too bad, but I still had to stand on my tiptoes to get a nice view of Tay. Distraction: As im writing this, stopped at the Fullerton Amtrak station, I notice my EBE sticker on my computer. It’s so funny how they depicted Austin exactly how he is – he’s jumping up with his bass put to his side as he always does during the end of ‘born to do.’ I’m too distracted by the pile of metal and crappy houses right next to the train tracks on the way to Solana Beach. Back to Sunday. Everything ended and I couldn’t hear from all the damn screaming of little girls. We go outside, not even looking or stopping at the merch stuff, but I assume, which they did, that the band members would hang out at their table and meet the fans and everything. The groupies of Carrick compared to the groupies of Robert are nothing. When Robert came out practically every girl who was outside huddled and gravitated toward him like he was Johnny Depp or something. I thought, that he was under the influence of something during the show, but maybe he normally is and this is him sober. I don’t know. I was waiting around and i got to talking to a guy, Marc, who is the drummer in the band The City Drive (i looked on myspace, and they arent my taste in music, but the guy who played the goth kid on big wolf on campus is the lead singer) and he was handing out their free cds. He was cool. I called Gina, so she could talk to Mikey like I had promised her. I left her a message, and then when Mikey came out, he left her a message. He’s quite the entertaining one in person and on stage. Paton quite fancied Andy, the guitarist of Big City Rock, and she was standing around and he kept passing her and she was in lust. I told her she should say hey but she didn’t. I said hey to Carrick and Austin and did my stuff I had to do. We called a cab but I still was working on something, so we didn’t take it. Then Paton called another one but it took damn forever to come so all the bands and everyone left so we just took some creepy pictures. There was a nice guy who worked at the glasshouse who couldn’t leave us alone, which was nice. We got ripped by the stupid cabbie who needed gas money like a creep. We got home and showered and slept all nice. The bed I stayed in was wonderful.
Monday July 30
Universal! I prefer the one in Orlando, specifically because there is more room but the one in Hollywood is nice and cool to see all the sets and everything you can’t see in Orlando. Paton and I rode the lovely Jurassic Park twice just to get soaked then attempted to dry off in Backdraft, which when the big bursts of fire exploded, seriously felt like when I step outside in my current home of Arizona. We rode the mummy, which didn’t fill my desire for an adrenaline rush. We also did the typical studio tour, back to the future, which once you’ve been on the Spiderman ride in Universal Escape, seems slightly fake. We ate delicious dippin’ dots and grabbed dinner at city walk. I forgot to put my memory card back in my camera like a douche so there are only memories in our mind to savor.
Tuesday July 31
ZOO. Paton’s mom works at the zoo, so we got in free and payed a lot more for food instead. We first saw Timon aka the meerkats then followed by the dead looking kangaroo and the other typical caged in animals in the zoo. Next came the spectacular, my favorites; the monkeys. I love them so much. They’re so adorable and so crazily human-like it’s insane to watch them. I got a video of a monkey who was chillaxing on the cage and eating some sunflower seeds. Then we saw the chimps. Hahaha those chimps are glorious. We saw one lying on the ground and we could only put the though of it saying “oh man I ate wayyy too much” or “it’s so damn hot, milk was a bad choice” And of course the infamous one who picked his ass and I had timed my camera recording perfectly to capture it. We then got to Paton’s favorite, the Tiger. She sat there all day (well, as long as she could) to stare at the pretty kitty. We hung out with the wading hippos and once we left of course, they began to feed them. We went around for a while until we were kind of tired and decided to go to Paton mom’s office to rest for another hour until her mom got off work. We made some nice videos, snacked on some munchies from the vending machine. When we got back we just did the usual and sometime during the night, we mentioned Everybody Else and how Paton loved her Big City Rock guitarist and how she enjoyed Austin’s moves on stage, so she imitated him, and I got in on camera because I made her so I could show him. Haha.
Wednesday August 1
We slept in to whenever we wanted to and watched some Spanish soap operas and then decided on season two of sex and the city. I have to say I love the character Steve. I think he’s amazing. Since the air conditioning broke, we were kind of really hot. It felt like my grandparents house in La Jolla, except with no breeze from the ocean. It also didn’t help that I was sitting on a leather couch. We baked a pizza pie and made retarded videos of Paton going around the house and me sounding very mentally retarded and about ten years old in the background and another of me imitating Austin and Paton eating some cereal and the last one of me lying on the floor to cool off and having her throw pieces of Capn Crunch on me while the dogs ate it off of me and even chewed on my hair. How pleasant. We also had fun with the horrible Avril Lavigne song “im with you” and created more tasteful lyrics
sing with avril lavigne's "im with you"
re-titled 'i want you'
I don't know who you are
I don't know where you've been
I don't know if you have syphillis
There's nothing but your rash
no condom wrapped around
I heard you slept with james brown
There's no one trying to fuck me
I guess that you'll have to do
It's a damn hard cock
You tried to jerk off in a sock
Won't you, take me down hardly and thrust into
I want you
I want you mmmm
I'm looking for a test
I'm searching for ointment
It's way too damn itchy down there
'Cause nothing's smelling right
And everything's a mess
Now no one wants to feel my breast
Doesn't anyone want to fuck me?
I swear i'm not contagious
It's a damn hard cock
You tried to jerk off in a sock
Won't you take me down hardly and thrust into
I want you
I want you mmmm
Why is everything just oozing?
Maybe an infection of my mind
yea yea yea, yea yea, yea yea, yea yea, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaayea
Chorus until end
lyrics rewritten by paton and skyler
Thursday August 2
We had to get up earlier than normal and cleaned up and I packed. Paton and I messed around with our computers as I tested her on her Joni Mitchell knowledge, which she passed. We had some laughs and went over to her house so her mom could easily pick us up to go to the train station. I said my goodbyes and I was on the 784 train to Solana beach so my ma can pick me up and we can go eat some Mexican food. I was hoping for Nati’s, but it’s too far from where the station is. The ocean finally peaked out of the trees. I picked the perfect side to just sit and watch the waters. For some reason I feel older, yes I know my birthday was a week or so ago, but I guess traveling by myself when I’ve gotten older and not living with my parents for a little while who make me feel like I’m fourteen has finally helped me feel nineteen.
Friday August 3
My mom and I were planning to go see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the museum, but we decided that we didn’t have enough time. We drove back to the land of the dead filled with death heat.
If you read this, I applaud you
Sunday July 29
Planes all went according to plan except when I arrived. My bag didn’t show up. I’m thought oh great just like Jacksonville; I knew I should have packed that travel toothbrush with me in my purse. I filled out a lost baggage claim they tell me that my bag will get there that evening (its about 3 pm) I was not happy especially since I had the Everybody Else/Rooney concert that night and I wanted to wear something different since I had just seen Rooney on July 19 and I was wearing the same shirt. Ms. Ashbrook picked us up and as we are heading away, the lady at the us airways desk calls and says that the bag actually was on the baggage claim thing and I felt dumb. So brain dead. I checked, Paton saw me check. It wasn’t there! I still believe that lady lied to me that ran and got my bag. Anyway back to driving away from the airport. Paton stopped to get cash so we could pay for things. I had some cash but definitely not enough to live off of for four days. Ms. Ashbrook dropped us off at the house Paton was house-sitting at, so we could pretty ourselves for some hot and talented musicians. Paton hadn’t heard of Everybody Else and we both hadn’t heard of Big City Rock, but who cares we were still excited. Well, I think I was a bit more excited to see Everybody Else again and maybe specifically Austin, haha. We take the nice metrolink and head to the second level. We see the nice Los Angeles ‘river’ as we go and we end up in the desolate station of Pomona, which was about twenty to thirty minutes away by train. We chatted about, what else, but our amazing lives. Lucky Paton only has a two-year school and I hopefully will be able to see her showcase and her graduation next spring in New York. We end up calling a cab to the venue (the glasshouse, which I have heard a lot about and known that Rooney has played there many times.) The show is at seven and the (second) cab shows up around 6:50. Awesome. Obviously we weren’t going to be in the front row and rocking out to them, which is totally cool since I’ve seen Taylor up close and live before and its hard to get a good angle on viewing Everybody Else because there’s only three of them and they sprawl out across the stage. We got to the glasshouse, and the line is long filled with the typical looking Rooney fans, assuming most of them were there to see Rooney. I got my tickets through will call, so I did that a little after we were waiting in line long after seven o’clock had passed. We got our purses checked and they took my nice pens!! I’m so angry. They could say somewhere online and whatnot that pens aren’t aloud. Dumbasses. The glasshouse is a nice sized venue, slightly bigger than the normal small places Everybody Else and Rooney play when they’re on tour. We moseyed on over to stage right so I could say hey to Austin if possible and have a slightly good view of them. I had thought, before the show, that I was going to switch sides to be in front of Taylor to get a good shot of his solos and his amazing play, but that didn’t happen. Paton and I got some liquids and she got some pizza while we waited for Big City Rock to play. They came out and played and were FANTASTIC. They were more rock than the other two bands, which I knew from listening to a bit of their music on their myspace. They had a vibe that channeled The Killers, the perfect mix of rock and synth to make the music super amazing. They played a cover of Ram Jam’s ‘Black Betty,’ which I absolutely loved and I knew the song from the Blow movie soundtrack. I was happy and the show only got better, I thought. Everybody Else was setting up their stuff, like a good band does and all the creepy Carrick groupies behind me to the left kept screaming his name and he kept smiling toward them but I bet he was thinking ‘oh god.’ Poor Mikey and Austin never get loved on. Mikey is so amazingly talented and smart. He plays the drums and keyboards at the same time. I’ve also read his blog and, boy, he knows his stuff. Austin is the newest member since they couldn’t find a person that would fit with the band until they met Austin. He seems to do most of the work after the show, example: he always gets the van and takes the merch and equipment out of the venue to the band. All three load up, because it’s like a puzzle trying to fit all the stuff into the back of their van. Anywayyyy. They played ‘born to do’ first, which I was so not expecting, but it was still awesome because its one of my favorite songs they do and I was still able to record it and get mikey playing the keys and drums simultaneously. Sweet. Carrick’s voice wasn’t doing too well and you can tell on the videos I took. Ouch. Mikey was comical on stage saying they would keep playing more sets if the crowd keeps singing even though Carrick was doing so horribly. I remember on one song Carrick looked to Austin obviously hinting he was struggling and he helped out. On ‘make-up’ they asked some non-talented fans who really didn’t know the words to the song to help them sing. One girl looked very giddy and about twelve years old. That’s what you get when you have some good-looking pop musicians in California playing, but they don’t realize that all of the guys are in their mid/late 20s to early 30s, which is somewhat normal to the person who feels old being in the crowd at one of their concerts. There are the fans that are around the thirteen to sixteen age group then jump to the twenty to twenty-four age group. Back to the show. Paton and I decided not to move over to Taylor’s side like I had planned because I assumed I had a good enough view of him from where I had been moved too, which was in between Matt and Robert, and I knew I was only going to get closer to the Robert because of the groupies trying to get a good view of him. They started with ‘calling the world’ and had the cell phones ringing like the beginning of the song to signal that they were coming on stage and starting. The screams were deafening. I am definitely staying in front of Taylor from now on. We got about right in front of Robert at the end, around the fourth row of people, which wasn’t too bad, but I still had to stand on my tiptoes to get a nice view of Tay. Distraction: As im writing this, stopped at the Fullerton Amtrak station, I notice my EBE sticker on my computer. It’s so funny how they depicted Austin exactly how he is – he’s jumping up with his bass put to his side as he always does during the end of ‘born to do.’ I’m too distracted by the pile of metal and crappy houses right next to the train tracks on the way to Solana Beach. Back to Sunday. Everything ended and I couldn’t hear from all the damn screaming of little girls. We go outside, not even looking or stopping at the merch stuff, but I assume, which they did, that the band members would hang out at their table and meet the fans and everything. The groupies of Carrick compared to the groupies of Robert are nothing. When Robert came out practically every girl who was outside huddled and gravitated toward him like he was Johnny Depp or something. I thought, that he was under the influence of something during the show, but maybe he normally is and this is him sober. I don’t know. I was waiting around and i got to talking to a guy, Marc, who is the drummer in the band The City Drive (i looked on myspace, and they arent my taste in music, but the guy who played the goth kid on big wolf on campus is the lead singer) and he was handing out their free cds. He was cool. I called Gina, so she could talk to Mikey like I had promised her. I left her a message, and then when Mikey came out, he left her a message. He’s quite the entertaining one in person and on stage. Paton quite fancied Andy, the guitarist of Big City Rock, and she was standing around and he kept passing her and she was in lust. I told her she should say hey but she didn’t. I said hey to Carrick and Austin and did my stuff I had to do. We called a cab but I still was working on something, so we didn’t take it. Then Paton called another one but it took damn forever to come so all the bands and everyone left so we just took some creepy pictures. There was a nice guy who worked at the glasshouse who couldn’t leave us alone, which was nice. We got ripped by the stupid cabbie who needed gas money like a creep. We got home and showered and slept all nice. The bed I stayed in was wonderful.
Monday July 30
Universal! I prefer the one in Orlando, specifically because there is more room but the one in Hollywood is nice and cool to see all the sets and everything you can’t see in Orlando. Paton and I rode the lovely Jurassic Park twice just to get soaked then attempted to dry off in Backdraft, which when the big bursts of fire exploded, seriously felt like when I step outside in my current home of Arizona. We rode the mummy, which didn’t fill my desire for an adrenaline rush. We also did the typical studio tour, back to the future, which once you’ve been on the Spiderman ride in Universal Escape, seems slightly fake. We ate delicious dippin’ dots and grabbed dinner at city walk. I forgot to put my memory card back in my camera like a douche so there are only memories in our mind to savor.
Tuesday July 31
ZOO. Paton’s mom works at the zoo, so we got in free and payed a lot more for food instead. We first saw Timon aka the meerkats then followed by the dead looking kangaroo and the other typical caged in animals in the zoo. Next came the spectacular, my favorites; the monkeys. I love them so much. They’re so adorable and so crazily human-like it’s insane to watch them. I got a video of a monkey who was chillaxing on the cage and eating some sunflower seeds. Then we saw the chimps. Hahaha those chimps are glorious. We saw one lying on the ground and we could only put the though of it saying “oh man I ate wayyy too much” or “it’s so damn hot, milk was a bad choice” And of course the infamous one who picked his ass and I had timed my camera recording perfectly to capture it. We then got to Paton’s favorite, the Tiger. She sat there all day (well, as long as she could) to stare at the pretty kitty. We hung out with the wading hippos and once we left of course, they began to feed them. We went around for a while until we were kind of tired and decided to go to Paton mom’s office to rest for another hour until her mom got off work. We made some nice videos, snacked on some munchies from the vending machine. When we got back we just did the usual and sometime during the night, we mentioned Everybody Else and how Paton loved her Big City Rock guitarist and how she enjoyed Austin’s moves on stage, so she imitated him, and I got in on camera because I made her so I could show him. Haha.
Wednesday August 1
We slept in to whenever we wanted to and watched some Spanish soap operas and then decided on season two of sex and the city. I have to say I love the character Steve. I think he’s amazing. Since the air conditioning broke, we were kind of really hot. It felt like my grandparents house in La Jolla, except with no breeze from the ocean. It also didn’t help that I was sitting on a leather couch. We baked a pizza pie and made retarded videos of Paton going around the house and me sounding very mentally retarded and about ten years old in the background and another of me imitating Austin and Paton eating some cereal and the last one of me lying on the floor to cool off and having her throw pieces of Capn Crunch on me while the dogs ate it off of me and even chewed on my hair. How pleasant. We also had fun with the horrible Avril Lavigne song “im with you” and created more tasteful lyrics
sing with avril lavigne's "im with you"
re-titled 'i want you'
I don't know who you are
I don't know where you've been
I don't know if you have syphillis
There's nothing but your rash
no condom wrapped around
I heard you slept with james brown
There's no one trying to fuck me
I guess that you'll have to do
It's a damn hard cock
You tried to jerk off in a sock
Won't you, take me down hardly and thrust into
I want you
I want you mmmm
I'm looking for a test
I'm searching for ointment
It's way too damn itchy down there
'Cause nothing's smelling right
And everything's a mess
Now no one wants to feel my breast
Doesn't anyone want to fuck me?
I swear i'm not contagious
It's a damn hard cock
You tried to jerk off in a sock
Won't you take me down hardly and thrust into
I want you
I want you mmmm
Why is everything just oozing?
Maybe an infection of my mind
yea yea yea, yea yea, yea yea, yea yea, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaayea
Chorus until end
lyrics rewritten by paton and skyler
Thursday August 2
We had to get up earlier than normal and cleaned up and I packed. Paton and I messed around with our computers as I tested her on her Joni Mitchell knowledge, which she passed. We had some laughs and went over to her house so her mom could easily pick us up to go to the train station. I said my goodbyes and I was on the 784 train to Solana beach so my ma can pick me up and we can go eat some Mexican food. I was hoping for Nati’s, but it’s too far from where the station is. The ocean finally peaked out of the trees. I picked the perfect side to just sit and watch the waters. For some reason I feel older, yes I know my birthday was a week or so ago, but I guess traveling by myself when I’ve gotten older and not living with my parents for a little while who make me feel like I’m fourteen has finally helped me feel nineteen.
Friday August 3
My mom and I were planning to go see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the museum, but we decided that we didn’t have enough time. We drove back to the land of the dead filled with death heat.
31 July 2007
25 July 2007
Come with us now..
on a journey through time and space
to the world of the magic home of
The Mighty Boooooosh
come with us to the mighty boosh
that show is going to be the cause of me speaking with an english accents
im having thoughts with an accent too!
right as im typing this!
i've also been collecting some of my favorite music lyrics
or the ones that just get stuck in my head, either way, i still think its a good idea
lets give a sample, shall we?
"They say a watched pot won't ever boil, you can't raise a baby on motor oil"
"Every spark of friendship and love will die without a home"
"I get my glory in the desert rain"
"I'll do graffiti if you sing to me in french"
"age makes no difference until you open your mouth"
(thats actually my favorite one)
"my body is a cage that keeps me from dancin' with the one i love but my mind holds the key"
"The sky's often used as a metaphor. i suppose its because its so big and expansive. when a long stranded cloud sits just above the horizon, leaving a strip of clear blue beneath it, it becomes a panorama, and you can turn your head 360 degrees and the same line follows you round, if the land is sufficiently flat, really nothing can be compared to it"
just a sample
kind of leaves you hanging just like vince's story in that mighty boosh episode
to the world of the magic home of
The Mighty Boooooosh
come with us to the mighty boosh
that show is going to be the cause of me speaking with an english accents
im having thoughts with an accent too!
right as im typing this!
i've also been collecting some of my favorite music lyrics
or the ones that just get stuck in my head, either way, i still think its a good idea
lets give a sample, shall we?
"They say a watched pot won't ever boil, you can't raise a baby on motor oil"
"Every spark of friendship and love will die without a home"
"I get my glory in the desert rain"
"I'll do graffiti if you sing to me in french"
"age makes no difference until you open your mouth"
(thats actually my favorite one)
"my body is a cage that keeps me from dancin' with the one i love but my mind holds the key"
"The sky's often used as a metaphor. i suppose its because its so big and expansive. when a long stranded cloud sits just above the horizon, leaving a strip of clear blue beneath it, it becomes a panorama, and you can turn your head 360 degrees and the same line follows you round, if the land is sufficiently flat, really nothing can be compared to it"
just a sample
kind of leaves you hanging just like vince's story in that mighty boosh episode
25 June 2007
complete EBE adventure
This is the entire EBE adventure with gina, as far as i can remember since its now late june
Friday April 27 (or was it thursday)
After one of my classes, i think it was, no it wasnt italian, oh well. Anyway, i have a voicemail. i check it and its gina, shes talking about working merch for everybody else. at the time, i wasnt as big of a fan of them but i did know that they were buddies with rooney. i called gina back and we got all giddy and fan-girly about thinking that we could get rooney's numbers. ha oh how naive we were, but still hopeful.
over the weekend, i talked to sam on the ebe myspace confirming the working and things
Monday April 30
we were supposed to be there at 5pm
gina had to drop off an artwork, so i waited in the car and since it was "rush hour" in tempe, and the fact my damn car clock was 10 min slow made us barely make it, well we really didnt need to be there that early. after we had arrived the band began to unload their stuff. gina talked to mikey, who was setting up his keyboard outside and i was watching carrick and austin bring in stuff. we finally decided to go inside. there was austin telling us how to set things up and where exactly. he was super cute in his little hoodie as always. we didnt have any change to give out, so i tried texting austin, and mikey eventually showed up, but by that time we had already come up with some. oh well. we put things together and on the rack and saw that they had panties. hahaa we got a good laugh out of that. Those things got a lot of attention, even from the lead singer of the higher as we were packing up. The merch guy of self against city was cute, i hadnt caught his name but it turned out to be drew. There was of course the most attention right after they played with all the little girls loving on carrick. gina and i watched some 'whore' as we called her talk to mikey and we of course saw her at the tucson show. near the end of the show carrick mentioned they didnt have anyone working the tucson show the next day, so gina and i freaked out and thought about it and said ' what the hell' so we agreed. we went back to our lives
Tuesday May 1
It happened that this was the last day of classes, but i felt like sleeping in and gina and i had planned already to miss art history so we could leave. her friend sam joined us and it was pretty uneventful on the drive down as normal, i think sam fell asleep and we just listened to some tunes from my ipod. we got there a bit early, earlier than ebe (which they said they took the 'scenic route' what scenic route? ha they probably got lost) the higher was there and we decided just to scope out the place. not bad, but tucson isnt such a nice city, small and sheltered. we were hungry so we decided to get some delicious sonic. when we returned reggie, the guitarist of the higher had his guitar on the floor (a pretty sweet gibson might i add) and we once again set up and the guys were sound checking. they were the first to play. carrick came over to see if anyone would want to tape the show. gina volunteered as i stayed back and was heavily distracted by the family guy playing just over our heads. they played born to do which made me very happy, LOVE that song. during the show carrick gave a shout out to gina in the crowd who was filming and austin added a shout out to the merch, aka me. haha i felt special. love that guy. there wasnt much traffic to the merch area and drew was there again. although there was some lady who payed us 20 bucks to go get a poster signed, which gina went out and did. easiest 20 bucks everrr. we had an awkward weird time just hanging out, i was intimidated by them or something. we each got a picture with all of them and i felt like asking austin for a picture with just him. i was too chicken and lame. but we did get a picture with reggie at the end. on the way home was astonishing, we were listening to some demetri martin and ebes next show (the next day) was in los angeles. i suggested why not? gina was at first apprehensive but i persuaded her, since it would be the best birthday for her. unfortuately sam couldnt make it. i packed up and freaked out that night.
Wednesday May 2
I picked ms gina up around 8? 830? i cant remember nad we gased up and left. we had fun times listening to my ipod for about 5 hours or more. we got to los angeles around 2 pm and we got some lunch at toi and walked down sunset to amoeba records and went inside guitar center as i drooled over the gibson les pauls and messed around on keyboards while gina actually made music on they keys. we hung out for a while after until ginas aunt got home so we could put our stuff away and get ready for the show at the troubador! ah how awesome. unfortunately we actually had to pay for our tickets, courtesy of gina. we first went up top then wandered down below and then decided to stand in the back as the place filled up. act as if played and we were stuck behind crazy dancing fans of theirs, but no worries, they werent bad at all. then over it played! gah that guitarist freaked me out in tempe and he didnt fail that night. carrick walked by and he saw us and was happily suprised. I was eye stalking austin through a window while he was in the bar, it looked like he was talking to his mom? i had no idea. when everybody else got onstage we went up to right in front of mikey and gina commented on his shirt being the same one hes had on forever. we spent some time on mikeys side of the stage and then we moved over to austin's side, to give each unloved guy some lovin since carrick gets all the little girls. ha! during the show as same as the tucson show, austin was looking my way, or so i thought. my vision is tampered at concerts, but i do have a video of me being caught by him when i was focusing the camera at him hahaa its funny. near the end of the show, as self against city was starting their set, gina and i waited to talk to mikey then when she was conversing with him, she was getting her own lovin haha as i got a picture with him. but my mission was getting a picture with austin we went around back about 1700 times and back to the front to get a picture. in between, we finally found out the significance of orange soda and well that carrick like french authors. i finally got the nerves to ask austin for a picture and he was appreciative for gina and i coming all the way. good. we deserved it hahah. hes so adorable. well when get got back gina and i went to toi and got some of the best ice cream everrrrr! then we left the next morning after picking up some toi breakfast that taunted our noses the whole drive back and it was, well amazingggg
Friday April 27 (or was it thursday)
After one of my classes, i think it was, no it wasnt italian, oh well. Anyway, i have a voicemail. i check it and its gina, shes talking about working merch for everybody else. at the time, i wasnt as big of a fan of them but i did know that they were buddies with rooney. i called gina back and we got all giddy and fan-girly about thinking that we could get rooney's numbers. ha oh how naive we were, but still hopeful.
over the weekend, i talked to sam on the ebe myspace confirming the working and things
Monday April 30
we were supposed to be there at 5pm
gina had to drop off an artwork, so i waited in the car and since it was "rush hour" in tempe, and the fact my damn car clock was 10 min slow made us barely make it, well we really didnt need to be there that early. after we had arrived the band began to unload their stuff. gina talked to mikey, who was setting up his keyboard outside and i was watching carrick and austin bring in stuff. we finally decided to go inside. there was austin telling us how to set things up and where exactly. he was super cute in his little hoodie as always. we didnt have any change to give out, so i tried texting austin, and mikey eventually showed up, but by that time we had already come up with some. oh well. we put things together and on the rack and saw that they had panties. hahaa we got a good laugh out of that. Those things got a lot of attention, even from the lead singer of the higher as we were packing up. The merch guy of self against city was cute, i hadnt caught his name but it turned out to be drew. There was of course the most attention right after they played with all the little girls loving on carrick. gina and i watched some 'whore' as we called her talk to mikey and we of course saw her at the tucson show. near the end of the show carrick mentioned they didnt have anyone working the tucson show the next day, so gina and i freaked out and thought about it and said ' what the hell' so we agreed. we went back to our lives
Tuesday May 1
It happened that this was the last day of classes, but i felt like sleeping in and gina and i had planned already to miss art history so we could leave. her friend sam joined us and it was pretty uneventful on the drive down as normal, i think sam fell asleep and we just listened to some tunes from my ipod. we got there a bit early, earlier than ebe (which they said they took the 'scenic route' what scenic route? ha they probably got lost) the higher was there and we decided just to scope out the place. not bad, but tucson isnt such a nice city, small and sheltered. we were hungry so we decided to get some delicious sonic. when we returned reggie, the guitarist of the higher had his guitar on the floor (a pretty sweet gibson might i add) and we once again set up and the guys were sound checking. they were the first to play. carrick came over to see if anyone would want to tape the show. gina volunteered as i stayed back and was heavily distracted by the family guy playing just over our heads. they played born to do which made me very happy, LOVE that song. during the show carrick gave a shout out to gina in the crowd who was filming and austin added a shout out to the merch, aka me. haha i felt special. love that guy. there wasnt much traffic to the merch area and drew was there again. although there was some lady who payed us 20 bucks to go get a poster signed, which gina went out and did. easiest 20 bucks everrr. we had an awkward weird time just hanging out, i was intimidated by them or something. we each got a picture with all of them and i felt like asking austin for a picture with just him. i was too chicken and lame. but we did get a picture with reggie at the end. on the way home was astonishing, we were listening to some demetri martin and ebes next show (the next day) was in los angeles. i suggested why not? gina was at first apprehensive but i persuaded her, since it would be the best birthday for her. unfortuately sam couldnt make it. i packed up and freaked out that night.
Wednesday May 2
I picked ms gina up around 8? 830? i cant remember nad we gased up and left. we had fun times listening to my ipod for about 5 hours or more. we got to los angeles around 2 pm and we got some lunch at toi and walked down sunset to amoeba records and went inside guitar center as i drooled over the gibson les pauls and messed around on keyboards while gina actually made music on they keys. we hung out for a while after until ginas aunt got home so we could put our stuff away and get ready for the show at the troubador! ah how awesome. unfortunately we actually had to pay for our tickets, courtesy of gina. we first went up top then wandered down below and then decided to stand in the back as the place filled up. act as if played and we were stuck behind crazy dancing fans of theirs, but no worries, they werent bad at all. then over it played! gah that guitarist freaked me out in tempe and he didnt fail that night. carrick walked by and he saw us and was happily suprised. I was eye stalking austin through a window while he was in the bar, it looked like he was talking to his mom? i had no idea. when everybody else got onstage we went up to right in front of mikey and gina commented on his shirt being the same one hes had on forever. we spent some time on mikeys side of the stage and then we moved over to austin's side, to give each unloved guy some lovin since carrick gets all the little girls. ha! during the show as same as the tucson show, austin was looking my way, or so i thought. my vision is tampered at concerts, but i do have a video of me being caught by him when i was focusing the camera at him hahaa its funny. near the end of the show, as self against city was starting their set, gina and i waited to talk to mikey then when she was conversing with him, she was getting her own lovin haha as i got a picture with him. but my mission was getting a picture with austin we went around back about 1700 times and back to the front to get a picture. in between, we finally found out the significance of orange soda and well that carrick like french authors. i finally got the nerves to ask austin for a picture and he was appreciative for gina and i coming all the way. good. we deserved it hahah. hes so adorable. well when get got back gina and i went to toi and got some of the best ice cream everrrrr! then we left the next morning after picking up some toi breakfast that taunted our noses the whole drive back and it was, well amazingggg
12 April 2007
The Killers! (!!!!!!!!!!!!)
talk about one of the best shows
the atmosphere was great
the lights, the intro, the confetti, and the integration of it all with the songs
oohhhh my sooooooooooo good
security was actually a mighty large biotch
no cameras at all
they flashed a light at you if they even saw one
whores, ugh
but still i have videos and pictures from other shows
but i was RIGHT in the fronnnnt and as i have said before, if i was a tweenie obsessed with brandy, i would have been in heaven, but i am more of a ronnie gal
and that mark, so talented!!
i also managed to get some glances from ronnie and mark and creepily stared at by ted
brandy also noticed me because i was one of the few not looking at him 24/7
dave was too far away to see me but he has such energy!! he is so wonderful to watch
brings a lot to the show
and mark even danced around near ronnie and teddy
we went to wait for them outside
but only dave mark ted and the captain came outside
i even had some sour patch kids for ronnie, i really just wanted to meet him
and you can tell how shy marky is, but i would expect ronnie to want to come out, if mark managed to deal with the small crowd, why couldnt he? i understand if brandy wouldnt want to come out in case he was tired i mean i was 'singing' along to 'this river is wild' and that song is killer tiring! and i got nothing signed because i dont feel right shoving things in their faces and not having them acknowledge me, oh well
theres alwaysss next timeeeee
the atmosphere was great
the lights, the intro, the confetti, and the integration of it all with the songs
oohhhh my sooooooooooo good
security was actually a mighty large biotch
no cameras at all
they flashed a light at you if they even saw one
whores, ugh
but still i have videos and pictures from other shows
but i was RIGHT in the fronnnnt and as i have said before, if i was a tweenie obsessed with brandy, i would have been in heaven, but i am more of a ronnie gal
and that mark, so talented!!
i also managed to get some glances from ronnie and mark and creepily stared at by ted
brandy also noticed me because i was one of the few not looking at him 24/7
dave was too far away to see me but he has such energy!! he is so wonderful to watch
brings a lot to the show
and mark even danced around near ronnie and teddy
we went to wait for them outside
but only dave mark ted and the captain came outside
i even had some sour patch kids for ronnie, i really just wanted to meet him
and you can tell how shy marky is, but i would expect ronnie to want to come out, if mark managed to deal with the small crowd, why couldnt he? i understand if brandy wouldnt want to come out in case he was tired i mean i was 'singing' along to 'this river is wild' and that song is killer tiring! and i got nothing signed because i dont feel right shoving things in their faces and not having them acknowledge me, oh well
theres alwaysss next timeeeee
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