Finally, the show started around 8:00, Gina and I listened to some KOL beforehand then switched to ebe to make us dance and prance around haha. Waiting is the worst, expecially right before the main act, but it was alright before the show started. Manchester Orchestra went on first, their keyboardist got into a trance and was going crazy but then Gina and i saw him after the show and he was just a chill indie rocker. I liked their music, but it wasn't quite my style. I got into it, but not as much as BRMC. Man, when they hit the stage, it was a total different vibe. Their lighting was darker, they wore all black, and they had hardcore big guitars and bass and the drums were perfectly simple. The guitarist, Peter, came out with a cig in his mouth and stuck it in his guitar. Thats when you know its going to be good. I kept looking at their drummer, Nick, who has a very Johnny Depp vibe to him.
I could tell he's most definitely shy because he had that look like he knew someone was looking at him, but he kept looking to the side or down at his drums, but I caught him looking back at me but he would just quickly glance away. I had a few moments where all I was focusing on was the drums and was air drumming and was in a total trance. Their last song, had the longest guitar solo in the world. It lasted about three minutes. It was intense. Their music is awesome. Gina kept seeing a roadie for KOL that she thought was Caleb. haha but he definitely looked like a Followill and I saw a super hot roadie for MO. Oh man, he had that grunge rocker look, with dark brown long hair and amazingly toned arms. hahaa. Some creepo drunk guy, who smelled like cheap, bad tasting beer was trying to ease his way in front of us. Gina finally got fed up and called security on his ass. I felt better and so ready to see kol.
Kings of Leon came on. It was INTENSE.
They started with, I think, Charmer. At the beginning I kept turning around to Gina and saying "they're SOOOOOO goooood" Jared was magical, he IS magical. and wicked talented, I never really took notice, but the new cd definitely has more kick ass bass going on compared to the two previous. I still love youth, young, and manhood. I was so young listening to it, it had such an impact on me. The crowd was so into it, I love that. "On Call" was my favorite before heading into the show, and once I saw Jared stand in front of the tiny synth they had on stage, I flipped out. That bass line following the synth is like no other. They apparantly had some sound problems, which I didn't notice. Caleb announced it and said "we're having some sound problems, so we're going to get drunk instead" You could tell that Caleb was getting annoyed and during the encore, I was watching Jared and he mouthed or said to his techie "this sounds so fucked up" I'll admit I was being such a fangirl during parts of the show, when Jared would look at me (which he did, MULTIPLE times during the entire show and I think I was the only one he kept going back to, maybe I look weird in the crowd or something) my mind would go blank and I would forget what I was singing. Not to mention he kept doing this thing with his lips
and his hands are magical long musician amazing hands and creamy skinnnn, enough! gah, those damn indie rockers. and hes only 20! c'mon what am I supposed to do with that!? anyyywayyy Caleb, man, his voice got hoarse over the course of the show, I don't know how he sings like that every single night. But he still rocks it. At the end, Gina and I managed to get one of Nathan's drumsticks which I am treasuring foreverr and I'm sure she is as well. We tried to get backstage, but it was too big of a show to try and weasel your way to see the band. The security was pretty tight. We waited outside the barracaded buses for about five minutes until we heard a security guy day that they won't be posing for pictures. Im assuming they were tired but still. Oh well, that leaves room for next time.
These are the songs they played (the order is definitely off except for the encore)
Taper Jean Girl
King of the Rodeo
My Party
Black Thumbnail
Molly's Chambers
The Bucket
On Call
Spiral Staircase
True Love Way
Knocked Up
Four Kicks
Slow Night, So Long
words can't explain how good of a show that was. Well, im sure there are some words out there, but I sure as hell can't articulate it. Maybe Gina can help me out. She's good, no, GREAT, with words.
NOTE: those pictures are not mine, and were not from the show.
1 comment:
Fuck yeah....Kings of Leon are amazing! My fav song of theirs is The Bucket....ahhh i love that song!
I love the new album but i adore their old stuff. I need to sit in for a weekend and listen to the whole album on my own to get to grips with it. Its usually played at my thursday poker night so there is always a lot of noise interruption!
I have decided when i come over in June we need to get drunk together so that i can hear some of your crazy assed stories!
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