07 October 2006

Demetri (Martin)

he's a genius
not to mention smart, hot, and greeeek
so articulate
going to greece in may...ooh

damn evils wouldnt let me take in my camera so i didnt get a picturee with him
but he did sign my ticket stub
stub...what a word, where did it come from?

still laughing over that asian twin joke
and everything else
'use a lighter!'
hope he got that piece of pepper out

14 July 2006

I found this.

Whilst rumaging and going through my desk, I discovered this hilarious piece of work I wrote. I was obviously on a Hunter S. Thompson high.
I apologize for the ridiculousness(and insane run-on sentences), but it's a funny read.

It began as any other day and ended as the same but my mind went wild in the middle. I woke up around 11 am, a little before since my mother came into my room explaining how the security man needed to eventually check out my room. The thought of not being able to sleep anymore rattled my brain as I began to think of the day's activities: me postponing as long as possible to clean my room as my mother constantly bugged me about it. And that's exactly what I did. I managed to stall until 3 pm, when she exclaimed that I must get dressed and help her pick out stove tops and such since the state of the new house was well below our family's living standards and many conflicts arose because of it. I once again stalled getting dressed because, even though we were just going to home depot, I still had nothing to wear. I put on the cut off shorts I had been wearing often and tried on many shirts knowing what whichever one I would choose, I would still be hot from the desert heat. As my mother's voice continued to pass through my closed door, I listened to the Wonder Years' song because I had been thinking of Fred Savage for some odd reason. I sit here now even as my mind wonders off, I have to focus and make sure I write this down before some more fantastic idea comes screaming into my head. The idea for writing this came from none other than H.S.T. If you don't know who that is, I'm sure you've seen the movie based on one of his books (unless you're mormon) Anyway back to the wild day I had. Since I had witnessed two spiders (that word is even scary) in one night, I've become VERY paranoid. So, when leaving the house, I look up, down, and all around. I even managed to burn myself on the seatbelt sitting in my mother's car. The next few places we visited were uncomparable to Sears. The lady that helped us with appliances looked as if she had jumped straight out of a Dr. Seuss book - her hair, her nose and the way she smiled was just like many Seuss characters. Luckily I got distracted from her face by myself looking in oven reflections and, well, checking myself out, but of course across the room were TVs and a scene from pirates came on and that basically made my day as I mouthed the words to the scene. After that is mostly a blur considering the couple of glasses of wine I consumed. All that comes to mind is Hitch, ice cream, and looking at old photos. I have no clue why I'm even talking to him. Ugh, I'm disgusted in myself. The music keeps distracting my thoughts, but for now that is all. I hope I don't get murdered in my sleep by spiders or go insane from the darkness.