08 October 2008

Albert Hammond, Jr.

Alright, alright, alrighttt.

I went by myself (again)
so, it wasn't as fun as it could have been, but whatever, I SAW A STROKE.

The opening band, Helsinki, I believe, was alright. and luckily, they were the only opener and didn't wait long for them to get one and finish.
They played Spooky Couch as an intro, but I swear they played the whole thing (its seriously seven minutes long) Then him and the band came out AFTER it was over. He played all the typical songs, but he came out later than was written on the schedule, so I thought he had time to play all the songs from the first album at least, but nooo. He didn't even play Hard To Live In The City, or my favvvv Cartoon Music For Superheroes (hence my blog http thing - cartoonmusic)
I mean, he played a good show but it could have been longer. And he did say that this was his last show for a long time (strokes comeback??? I HOPE SO!!!!!)

what about little fabrizio?
he hasn't eaten in three hours!!

06 October 2008

The IT Crowd

yes, it is a television show, a great one at that.
There is some music, such as in the theme song, but this post has nothing to do with rock and roll adventures.
you don't like?
stuff it.

well well well.
This was a fantastic amazing bloody awesome time, even though I went by myself.
A few months ago I heard that they were going to be filming the third series and knowing that I would be in London, i freaked and jumped on the chance. I finally got the email saying I had tickets to the October 3 show about a week before. YESSSSSS
ok so anyway.
It was on Friday. I left around 1520 (doors opened to the studios at 1900) I left that early because of the travel time and I had to make a quick stop at waterstones for a book they ended up not having anyway. ugh.
Yea, the travel time. took a bit of time. I had to take the metropolitan line allllll the way to the end at uxbridge. yes, I willingly went alone to zone 6. totally worth the 4 quid though. I did a bit of reading for my sex and nakedness french class for monday, but the line was above ground so I could actually see the suburbs of london. Quite quaint, and a bit like bend it like beckham housing. hahaa. ok so once I arrived at the station, I became an idiot I walked out the wrong entrance and went to the high street looking for a cab and asking people what train went to pinewood studios (yes the same studios bond is shot at and many johnny depp/tim burton collabs) Anyway I finally found the proper bus but it took bloody foreverrrr to come and I didn't know which stop I needed to get off at (I didn't bring any sort of information on how to actually get to the studios since I assumed I would take a cab, but the bus IS cheaper. whatevs) I ended up following these two people to the station since they had a map and they were going to the taping of the show as well. As in typical London fashion, they didn't care to talk to me or be like "heyyy you like the it crowd too? oh cool." NOPE. none of that shizz. well we got our little wristbands and hung out in this tent. oh by the way it was COLD that day. about 45 degrees fahrenheit. I so wanted to be a tourist and take a picture of the pinewood studios sign or the massive bond studio next to the tiny little it crowd one. butttt I didn't. I apparently was in the last half of people coming in and kind of almost didn't get a seat, but not really, since I was alone and single seats were almost open (hence me getting into the second row right on the end where all the lush stars could see me haaa.) So as I was sitting there in my awesome ass seat, I was FREAKIN OUT. I mean, the office set with moss' and roy's desk and all their goodies were riiiht there and I was in between that set and Douglas' office set. omggggg so amazingggggg. There was this guy to keep us "entertained" between takes and breaks etc. He was alright. He got a few laughs from me, but towards the end, he was annoying me. Anywayyy it took a bit of time for Roy, Jen, Moss, and Douglas (I'm going to be using their characters names cause its easier) to come out. But when they did oh it was fabulous. The entertainment bloke, stewart, was seeing what the audience was made of: talking to students and people from different countries (he didn't hear me scream 'america' but he did eventually get to me) seeing if there were any birthdays, etc. As they were setting up for the first scene (they did them in chronological order of the show, which was excellenttt) he was asking the audience to practice their cheers and when it was weak, he said to cheer like americans cheer for war. now after he did this he asked if there were any americans in the audience and I, being the ONLY one in the audience, raised my hand. At this time Jen and Roy were there, about 20 feet away looking at me as I was being embarrassed by stewart. They played the theme song on the screens above and I seriously got chills. Oh man, it was so surreal being there. They were brilliant. And Matt Berry seriously stole that whole episode. Seeing Moss in action was gahh. I seriously think Richard and Moss are half-and-half of one another. I also caught Moss and Douglas looking at me a few times, I'm thinking it was because of my glasses, I think they reflect some light off of the lenses and it catches people's eyes. I was in between two mics to catch the laugh so I don't believe I'll hear my annoying annoying (to my ears) laugh. There was a quiz to win a signed piece of the set from series one, but I didn't win. I barely raised my hands for the answers, but I was still answering them in my head. There also was a sing off of the 'new' emergency number. I laughed cause it was brought up in the episode that was being taped. Hilariiiious. I'm not going to say anymore about the episode. But when I was waiting outside (some group of girls were nice enough to let me share a cab with them since we were all going to uxbridge station) there was a window and you could see the after show party. I saw Richard wearing his bright orange shirt he had on when he came out with the cast to say goodbye and his hair was all messed up, out of moss' part. Also in the line of cabs waiting, the second one, said Matt Berry's cab and the driver was zonked out. It would be nice to secretly sneak in. I mean, it's matt berry! It was another good evening. On the way home I listened to some albert hammond, jr. to help me prepare for his show that sunday and then on saturday I watched In Transit.
"hello ze strokeeeees"

03 October 2008

The Mood

I was sifting though the myspace bulletins and I saw this band, The Mood, who I occasionally listen to and I noticed they were coming to London. Out of the blue, I just decided 'what the hell' and I asked them if they needed some help selling their shizz. (they're not that popular yet, so it's a good way to meet people) Marco sent me a message and was totally all for it. I haven't really listened to them that much, (I only am now cause I have their cds finally) but they're good. They're fantastic people, but actually I think some of their songs are missing that *punch* on the cds. Live, they're totally bad-ass and awesome and full of energy, but the cds seem to lack that (i'm not hating, because I love them). I really had no idea what to expect, besides the typical knowing how to sell merch. The venue, The 100 Club, is right off of oxford street, in this tiny little entrance between two huge typical department stores. it's a typical venue, with the bar filled with people in between sets of bands. I met up with them and they were super thankful and during their set they even gave me a shout out (ahem, unlike the other band I merch for who seem ungrateful.) We went to Marco's brother-in-law's (Sam) flat afterwards and just chilled and finally got to brush up on my football (soccer) skills. Jeremy, Sam's flatmate was filming the show and made me do an awkward merchandise dance, haha. I didn't have any drinks up till the end of the night (even though I got offered multiple times, finally! haha.) It was nice that they're american too, so I knew pretty much how they'd act (since I know british bands are a bit more crazzzzzzy after shows.) Basically, you should hang out with them any chance you get.
