14 September 2010

It's herrrrre

I'm not as excited as I would be, but I still had to have it the first day out and I was the first one to get it in my local record store (aka Target (Yea, I know, sucketh) because this city SUCKS, and tower, oh sweet tower records, is gone)

RANT: solo artist breaking away from the band?
you sing in the band, you sing solo.
you have a band, you have a band backing you up for solo

sooooo, why not use that band to help you record?
I see, I see, they DON'T want to help you, since it's your own little project, si?
it just seems weird

yes the regular band probably has input for the musical elements (WHICH IS GOOD)
But you want your own drums/guitar/bass (since you regularly control the synth anyway, so it's all yours to begin with (oh carl....))
aye carumbaaaa

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